Welcome to Scientific Core Conditioning! In this course you will learn:
- Functional anatomy
- Support mechanisms provided by the abdominals
- How faulty abdominal training can create postural problems
- How to assess core function
- How to reestablish activation of the abdominal wall after abdominal surgery such as caesarian section, hysterectomy and hernia repair, or in the deconditioned client
- Understand why core coordination and strength tests are essential for your orthopedic patients and competitive athletes
- Exercises suitable for the post-rehabilitation patient all the way to performance enhancing techniques used by Paul for training amateur and elite athletes
Passing this course will result in the following CECs and CEUs: CHEK Institute 16.0, ACE 2.4, NASM 1.9, NSCA 1.5, ISSA 16.0, ACSM 24.0
Click the appropriate lesson name below to get started.
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