Are you fighting a losing battle with your kids about eating healthy foods?

I don’t know a single parent who hasn’t struggled with satisfying the finicky taste buds of their kids while keeping them healthy and strong. (That includes DOUBLE for Angie, Penny and me!)

Not to mention, the on-the-go world all of us live in makes it so much harder to resist feeding our children on the run. Combine picky eating habits PLUS busy school days PLUS daily volleyball/soccer/basketball/football practices and you’ve created recipes for disaster.

Here’s 10 simple tips you can use RIGHT NOW to guide and improve the nutritional habits of your kids.

Step 1: Give yourself (and your child) a break by planning meals in advance. Even planning 2-3 days ahead can make a world of difference and eases the stress of cooking on the run.

Step 2: Offer your child some freedom and responsibility by letting them help you select the foods they eat for meals (within limits), then helping you make them.

Step 3: Make it fun for your picky eater who won’t eat vegetables or fruits by serving them with salad dressing, salsa or yogurt.

Step 4: Help your child become more adventurous at the dinner table by introducing only one new food to them at a time.

Step 5: Be the change you want to see in the world β€” and your kids β€” by being a healthy role model at the dinner table too.

Step 6: Use your meal as ways to connect with your kids. There’s no need to rush!

Step 7: Cellphones, tablets and laptop computers have their place but not while you and your kids are eating. Keep the focus on mealtime and family time.

Step 8: These longer meal times are great for teaching your kids how to listen to their bodies as they eat their foods, one of the many strategies I teach in my book, How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy.

Step 9: Do NOT use sweets and sugary treats as rewards to ensure your child’s good behavior. There are far better and healthier ways for parents to show how much they care, and bribing them with sweets won’t cut it.

Step 10: Make sure your child drinks plenty of clean, fresh water. Doing so keeps their bodies hydrated and helps their bodies digest their meals more easily too.

Love and chi,

Paul (and Penny and Angie)

P.S. Need some extra help to improve your growing child’s eating habits? Do it deliciously with Organifi’s very popular Kids line of foods, featuring Easy Greens’ superfood blend of veggies and probiotics with a sweet apple taste and Protect, a nutrient-dense blend of elderberry, olive leaf, astragalus, acerola cherry and zinc in a tasty berry punch.

