Shamanic Sound Healing

April 26-27, 2024  |  San Diego, CA

Live with Paul  and Angie Chek

The mystery of life is very simple, so simple that anybody can understand it. The truth is this: Sound is the basis for all that is.

Everything comes out of sound, and sound comes out of vibration. Sound was the deity that first said “yes” to life. Once Sound said “yes” to life, then everything began to flow out of that sound. And that sound was the sound of silence. Out of that sound of silence came the first go-ahead to life. Then consciousness began to flow. It began to flow in the same way as the blood begins to flow in the human body.

That sound is what created time. Time is the power to crystallize awareness so that manifestation can find placement. Time found space and there was a marriage of the two. Before that nothing had a place, nothing knew where it was supposed to be. Once we had sound, out of sound came everything.

– Joseph Rael, Holy man, visionary, artist and Sun Dancer, from Sound: Native Teachings and Visionary Art

Of the many things one can do to balance, heal, and grow oneself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, sound is not only one of the most profound, but the simplest and fun to work with.

It is with this in mind that Paul and Angie Chek put together this special two-day workshop. The intention is to keep this training as practical as possible. Starting with a basic assessment of energy fields and chakras, so you have a functional model with which to put your sound healing practices to work, we will then spend the remainder of the two days practicing with a variety of sound instruments that include your own voice as well as tuning forks, rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, percussion sticks, and other instruments.

First and foremost, we believe that learning should be fun. We intend to teach you as much as we can in two days, but just as important, we will have a great time together showing you how much fun can be had keeping ourselves, our kids, and others healthy using creativity, intuition, and sound.

This workshop is being held on 14 beautiful acres in Rainbow, CA. Come and experience the serenity and peace of Rainbow Hills, while experiencing the power of sound and silence.

Spaces are strictly limited for this two-day event. Register now to avoid disappointment!

More About the Shamanic Sound Healing Workshop

If you study quantum physics, you quickly learn that the whole of the universe is created out of energy and information, and vibration is a means of expressing information in form, which is what the field of cymatics shows us. This truth is well expressed in The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy, by Three Initiates, which states:

            “Everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter, all is in vibration—the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale.”

When we understand what is being shared by Holy Man, sound expert, and visionary artist Joseph Rael, and the teachings offered by The Three Initiates in the Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy, it becomes easy to understand why we are so attracted to music and sounds that sooth, heal, inspire, and motivate us; try turning the sound off on any movie and notice how flat it becomes…sound adds tremendous influence, depth, and richness to our lives when selected and used with positive conscious intention to heal, live, and love fully. It is with this intention that Angie and I offer you our approach to sound healing.

Angie as a highly trained shaman, and Paul as a practitioner of modern shamanism have worked with and explored sound as a healing modality for many years and have used sound to help countless people balance and heal from a wide variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. We both know how effective it is, and more importantly, how anyone that understands the basics of sound healing can use it regularly for themselves, their family, friends, or clients and patients to help them heal and feel good.


Day 1:

9:00 AM: Parking and registration

Morning: Introductions. Understanding the basic structure of the human energy field and chakra system as a basis for sound healing.

12:30 PM: Lunch

Afternoon: Practice assessing energy fields and chakras. An introduction to choosing which sounds you can use with your voice and the instruments to use based on your assessment findings and the needs of the patient, client or person you are working with. How to decide which voice approaches and combinations of instruments are ideal for each specific case. Practicing sound healing with rattles.

5:30 PM: End of day 1

Day 2:

9:00 AM: Parking

Morning: An introduction to the drum and ways to use it. Practicing assessment with the drum. Healing approaches and practicing with drums.

12:30 PM: Lunch

Afternoon: An introduction to percussion sticks, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments as available.  Continue exploring instruments and practicing sound healing with a variety of instruments.

Closing Ceremony: Sharing experiences and what we each learned from the workshop, and how we will implement what we’ve learned into our lives and/or professional healing work. We will finish by letting our souls create “our song” together and send it out to the world with Loving Intention.

5:30PM: End of workshop

Multi-Day Pass

We are also offering a Multi-Day Pass. This is the opportunity to get one day of workshop free when you purchase 5 days. You can use these 6 days in any way you like – 6 x one day workshops or Zen in the Garden, 3 x two day workshops or a combination of one-day and two-day workshops.

Conditions of Multi-Day Pass Registration

  • Each multi-day pass is for one person only. It cannot be shared between two or more people.
  • You have 18 months from the date of purchase to use your six days.

Important Details

Workshop Time: Friday 26th and Saturday 27th April 9:30am – 5:30pm approx. each day

Times are approximate. We recommend you arrive in San Diego on Thursday 25th April and do not leave until Sunday 28th April to ensure you can fully participate in the workshop. The location is approximately 60-90 minutes from San Diego airport, depending on traffic so if you absolutely have to fly out on Saturday evening, you do not want to book a flight leaving before 7:30pm. At previous workshops, many of the participants have gone out to dinner together after the workshop, continuing the growth and sharing experiences into the evening.

Who Should Attend?

Shamanic Sound Healing Workshop is:

  • Open to anyone age 12 and older.
  • Open to anyone who wants to learn ways to incorporate sound and sound healing into their lives.
  • For all who love to make music and play instruments AND for those who are nervous about making sounds and harmonious rhythms! Come learn that there is no judgement when you express yourself through music and sound.
  • Ideal for people who want to deepen their spirituality and connect more deeply to the unconscious creative mind within themselves.
  • For those wanting to learn how to relax, play more fully, and express their inner-musician.

Cost: US$999 per person or 3 x $350 payment plan

Venue: Paul and Angie’s “Rainbow House” situated in the hills to the East of Fallbrook, CA. The exact address will be given to participants upon registering.

Closest Hotels and Accommodation

Closest Commercial Airports

  • San Diego Int’l Airport (58 miles S)
  • John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana (75.5 miles NW)

Transportation and accommodation are your responsibility.

How Many People Will Be There? The workshop is limited to 40 participants.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Due to the unique nature of this program, there are no refunds or transfers once you have registered for this program, so please make sure you can attend before registering.

What’s Included:  Two full days with Paul and Angie Chek, including lunch and snacks on both days.

Terms and Conditions

Confirmation of Registration
An official confirmation of registration will be sent to you once all stages of the enrollment process are completed and your registration has been approved. Welcome Packets will be sent via email within 14 days of your registration approval. It is important we have a valid e-mail address for communication with you.

Transfer and Refund Policies
Due to the unique nature of this program, there are no refunds or transfers once you have registered for this program. By accepting these terms and conditions, you understand that you may not request a refund nor initiate a chargeback claim on your credit card via the issuing bank.

Course Cancellation
The organizers reserve the right to cancel an event at their discretion. In the event of course cancellation by the organizers, 100% of the tuition will be eligible for refund, or the full amount paid may be kept as Credit for the future purchase of products and/or educational materials.

If a course is cancelled or postponed due to an Act of God, including but not limited to war, earthquakes, terrorism, natural disasters, disease, pandemics, the organizers reserve the right to reschedule the event at an alternative location or at a later date, or offer Credit equal to the amount of the registration fee paid which the student may use for the purchase of products and/or educational. Tuition will not be refunded.

About Paul Chek

Paul Chek is an internationally-renowned expert in the fields of holistic health, corrective exercise and high-performance conditioning.

For over thirty-seven years, Paul’s unique, holistic approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of countless people worldwide, many of his clients, his students and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Paul is the founder of the CHEK Institute, based in California, USA and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is the host of the popular podcast Living 4D with Paul Chek as well as a practitioner of Modern Shamanism, and retained his license as a Medicine Man and Spirit Guide for many years before joining the Oklevueha Native American Church.

About Angie Chek

Angie Chek is a Senior CHEK Faculty member, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a certified nutritionist, as well as a highly skilled shaman.

She is a graduate of the Advanced Training 3 Year Shamanic Program offered through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and a graduate of Nine Gates Mystery School.

Angie has extensive experience working with power animals and spirit guides, as well as guiding clients through life challenges and to find resolution of emotional traumas.

Exploring Shamanic Sound Healing

April 26-27, 2024  |  San Diego, CA

Live with Paul  and Angie Chek

The mystery of life is very simple, so simple that anybody can understand it. The truth is this: Sound is the basis for all that is.

Everything comes out of sound, and sound comes out of vibration. Sound was the deity that first sed “yes” to life. Once Sound said “yes” to life, then everything began to flow out of that sound. And that sound was the sound of silence. Out of that sound of silence came the first go-ahead to life. Then consciousness began to flow. It began to flow in the same way as the blood begins to flow in the human body.

That sound is what created time. Time is the power to crystallize awareness so that manifestation can find placement. Time found space and there was a marriage of the two. Before that nothing had a place, nothing knew where it was supposed to be. Once we had sound, out of sound came everything.

– Joseph Rael, Holy man, visionary, artist and Sun Dancer, from Sound: Native Teachings and Visionary Art

Of the many things one can do to balance, heal, and grow oneself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, sound is not only one of the most profound, but the simplest and fun to work with.

It is with this in mind that Paul and Angie Chek put together this special two-day workshop. The intention is to keep this training as practical as possible. Starting with a basic assessment of energy fields and chakras, so you have a functional model with which to put your sound healing practices to work, we will then spend the remainder of the two days practicing with a variety of sound instruments that include your own voice as well as tuning forks, rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, percussion sticks, and other instruments.

First and foremost, we believe that learning should be fun. We intend to teach you as much as we can in two days, but just as important, we will have a great time together showing you how much fun can be had keeping ourselves, our kids, and others healthy using creativity, intuition, and sound.

This workshop is being held on 14 beautiful acres in Rainbow, CA. Come and experience the serenity and peace of Rainbow Hills, while experiencing the power of sound and silence.

Spaces are strictly limited for this two-day event. Register now to avoid disappointment!

More About the Shamanic Sound Healing Workshop

If you study quantum physics, you quickly learn that the whole of the universe is created out of energy and information, and vibration is a means of expressing information in form, which is what the field of cymatics shows us. This truth is well expressed in The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy, by Three Initiates, which states:

“Everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt.”

When we understand what is being shared by Holy Man, sound expert, and visionary artist Joseph Rael, and the teachings offered by The Three Initiates in the Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy, it becomes easy to understand why we are so attracted to music and sounds that sooth, heal, inspire, and motivate us; try turning the sound off on any movie and notice how flat it becomes…sound adds tremendous influence, depth, and richness to our lives when selected and used with positive conscious intention to heal, live, and love fully. It is with this intention that Angie and I offer you our approach to sound healing.

Angie as a highly trained shaman, and myself as a practitioner of modern shamanism have worked with and explored sound as a healing modality for many years and have used sound to help countless people balance and heal from a wide variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. We both know how effective it is, and more importantly, how anyone that understands the basics of sound healing can use it regularly for themselves, their family, friends, or clients and patients to help them heal and feel good.


Day 1:

9:00 AM: Parking and registration

Morning: Introductions. Understanding the basic structure of the human energy field and chakra system as a basis for sound healing.

12:30 PM: Lunch

Afternoon: Practice assessing energy fields and chakras. An introduction to choosing which sounds you can use with your voice and the instruments to use based on your assessment findings and the needs of the patient, client or person you are working with. How to decide which voice approaches and combinations of instruments are ideal for each specific case. Practicing sound healing with rattles.

5:30 PM: End of day 1

Day 2:

9:00 AM: Parking

Morning: An introduction to the drum and ways to use it. Practicing assessment with the drum. Healing approaches and practicing with drums.

12:30 PM: Lunch

Afternoon: An introduction to percussion sticks, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments as available.  Continue exploring instruments and practicing sound healing with a variety of instruments.

Closing Ceremony: Sharing experiences and what we each learned from the workshop, and how we will implement what we’ve learned into our lives and/or professional healing work. We will finish by letting our souls create “our song” together and send it out to the world with Loving Intention.

5:30PM: End of workshop

Multi-Day Pass

We are also offering a Multi-Day Pass. This is the opportunity to get one day of workshop free when you purchase 5 days. You can use these 6 days in any way you like – 6 x one day workshops or Zen in the Garden, 3 x two day workshops or a combination of one-day and two-day workshops.

Conditions of Multi-Day Pass Registration

  • Each multi-day pass is for one person only. It cannot be shared between two or more people.
  • You have 18 months from the date of purchase to use your six days.

Important Details

Workshop Time: Friday 26th and Saturday 27th April 9:30am – 5:30pm approx. each day

Times are approximate. We recommend you arrive in San Diego on Thursday 25th April and do not leave until Sunday 28th April to ensure you can fully participate in the workshop. The location is approximately 60-90 minutes from San Diego airport, depending on traffic so if you absolutely have to fly out on Friday evening, you do not want to book a flight leaving before 7:30pm. At previous workshops, many of the participants have gone out to dinner together after the workshop, continuing the growth and sharing experiences into the evening.

Cost: US$999 per person

Venue: Paul and Angie’s “Rainbow House” situated in the hills to the East of Fallbrook, CA. The exact address will be given to participants upon registering.

Closest Hotels and Accommodation

Closest Commercial Airports

  • San Diego Int’l Airport (58 miles S)
  • John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana (75.5 miles NW)

Transportation and accommodation are your responsibility.

Who Should Attend?

Shamanic Sound Healing Workshop is:

  • Open to anyone age 12 and older.
  • Open to anyone who wants to learn ways to incorporate sound and sound healing into their lives.
  • For all who love to make music and play instruments AND for those who are nervous about making sounds and harmonious rhythms! Come learn that there is no judgement when you express yourself through music and sound.
  • Ideal for people who want to deepen their spirituality and connect more deeply to the unconscious creative mind within themselves.
  • For those wanting to learn how to relax, play more fully, and express their inner-musician.

How Many People Will Be There? The workshop is limited to 40 participants.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Due to the unique nature of this program, there are no refunds or transfers once you have registered for this program, so please make sure you can attend before registering.

What’s Included:  Two full days with Paul and Angie Chek, including lunch and snacks on both days.