Now is time to apply all that you’ve learned in the Advanced Program Design course with the following two case studies:
- Midfield Maria
- CrossFit Kevin
These constitute the final exam portion of the course and you will need to demonstrate that you can practically apply the concepts and techniques you have learned in the course. Please read the information in your manual starting on page 136.
How to Complete the Case Histories
Please read carefully through each case history and the assessment findings. The use the assessment tools provided to develop fully periodized programs that move the client toward their goals. You will need to use all the tools you’ve learned in Advanced Program Design.
You will be required to write mesocycles for:
1. Base Conditioning phase
2. Transition:
a. Specificity phase
b. Late Specificity phase
3. Performance phase
In other words, 4 mesocycles in total, per case study; however please read the instructions for each casr study carefully as the exact requirements for each are different. It is up to you to decide how many exercise programs you include within each mesocycle (though 1-3 is the recommended range), including key stretches to be performed.
You will need to consider any advice you would give to this client for nutrition and lifestyle, whether their goals are reasonable given the timeframe, and any other considerations you feel are important.
For Midfield Maria, you will need to complete a Biomotor Needs Analysis.
Use the program design forms and other documents included with the course in Appendix A. Interactive PDF versions of these forms are available to download separately in the beginning of the elearning course, if you wish to complete the forms on your computer. Otherwise you can print them out, complete by hand, and scan in to submit for grading. Please make sure that the forms are legible so that they can be easily read for grading!
You will be graded on the following:
- How well you integrate and prioritize the needs of each case.
- How well you select appropriate acute exercise variables for each exercise given.
- How well you periodize your programs in consideration of client goals and time commitment.
- How legible your program is. Any program that cannot be clearly read and understood by the grader will be considered incorrect.
- Appropriate notes and precautions for your clients on their programs. Remember, the client must be able to continue on their own after a period of instruction with you (1-2 times through each program).
- Any additional suggestions or directions that you wish to include must be very clear and easy to understand and follow or your grader will consider such information incorrect.
- An optional notes explaining your rationale for any or all aspect of your programs will be helpful for your grader, and possibly your grade. This is particularly important if you feel your methods are unique or more advanced than standard, or if your program is particularly complex. Again, it is very important to remember that you are writing these programs for the client. Your test grader will assume the role of the client when grading the programs. Should the grader feel your program is beyond the comprehension of the client, or if it is unclear to the grader, you will not receive credit for the program(s).
- In short, “assess, don’t guess.” Be clear in your presentation and objectives and remember typing is usually better than hand writing.
- Any programs that are not submitted on the enclosed program design forms will be returned to you without grading.
You can upload your completed case histories here, or e-mail your completed answer sheets for both case histories to: [email protected]
Or mail to:
CHEK Institute
Exam Grading
3145 Tiger Run Court, Ste 101
Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA
Your case histories will be graded and a certificate of completion awarded. Pass mark = 80%.
If you fail the case histories, you may retake for a fee of $50. The second and subsequent retake fee is $100.