What’s next in your evolution?

Is it time to leave that old career behind and start down a more fulfilling path?

Ready to ditch the big box gym and start your own practice?

Want to skill up and specialize your services for training athletes, injury rehabilitation or helping clients with chronic disease?

This May 3rd get the training you need to Evolve!

Enroll in at least one of our industry-leading Advanced Training Programs and receive HUGE discounts. PLUS registering for Advanced Training Programs triggers special bonus packages.

Here’s how it works:

1. Enroll in your Advanced Training Program(s) of Choice.

Click the box below for your region to see our ATP schedule.

CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Exercise Coach
4 Spaces Left!
August 7-11, 2019Toronto, ON
Register Now
2.55$2,497 → $2,1973 x $782.33
CHEK Practitioner Level 4September 25 - October 6, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.3$5,185 → $4,6854 x $1221.25
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2October 16-20, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.35$2,597 → $2,2975 x $489.40
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1October 25-27, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.4$747 → $6475 x $139.40
CHEK Practitioner Level 1
5 Spaces Left!
Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.45$2,497 → $2,1975 x $499.40
CHEK Exercise CoachNovember 20-24, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.55$2,497 → $2,1976 x $391.17
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3December 3-8, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.6$3,297 → $2,8977 x $442.43
CHEK Exercise CoachFebruary 19-23, 2020San Diego, CA$2,497 → $2,1979 x $260.78
CHEK Exercise CoachMarch 4-8, 2020Toronto, ON$2,497 → $2,19710 x $234.70
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2April 22-26, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29711 x $222.45
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1April 24-26, 2020Toronto, ON$747 → $64711 x $58.82
CHEK Exercise CoachMay 13-17, 2020New York, NY$2,497 → $2,19712 x $195.58
CHEK Practitioner Level 2June 10-14, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29713 x $188.23
CHEK Practitioner Level 1July 22-26, 2020Toronto, ON$2,497 → $2,19714 x $167.64
CHEK Exercise CoachAugust 19-23, 2020Austin, TX$2,497 → $2,19715 x $156.47
CHEK Practitioner Level 2September 12-16, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29716 x $152.94
CHEK Practitioner Level 3October 7-15, 2020San Diego, CA$4,147 → $3,74717 x $232.18
CHEK Exercise CoachNovember 11-15, 2020San Diego, CA$2,497 → $2,19718 x $130.39
Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3December 1-6, 2020San Diego, CA$3,297 → $2,89719 x $163
CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Practitioner Level 228 August - 1 Sepember, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.5 ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,6753 x ÂŖ598.33
CHEK Practitioner Level 311-19 September, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.6 ÂŖ2,880 ÂŖ2,3804 x ÂŖ657.50
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 125-27 October, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.7 ÂŖ800 ÂŖ7005 x ÂŖ150
CHEK Exercise Coach6-10 November, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.8 ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,6456 x ÂŖ299.17
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 213-17 November, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.9 ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,6756 x ÂŖ304.17
CHEK Exercise Coach26 February - March 1, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,6459 x ÂŖ199.44
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 225-29 March, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67510 x ÂŖ182.50
CHEK Exercise Coach13-17 May, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,64512 x ÂŖ149.58
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 110-12 July, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ800 ÂŖ70014 x ÂŖ53.57
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 315-20 July, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ2,370 ÂŖ2,07014 x ÂŖ158.70
CHEK Practitioner Level 122-26 July, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67514 x ÂŖ130.36
CHEK Exercise Coach5-9 August, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,64515 x ÂŖ119.67
CHEK Practitioner Level 212-16 August, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67515 x ÂŖ121.67
CHEK Practitioner Level 32-10 December, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ2,880 ÂŖ2,38019 x ÂŖ138.42
CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Exercise Coach20-24 November, 2019Sydney, NSW
Register Now
6.5$A2,840 → $A2,4406 x A$440
CHEK Exercise CoachMarch 25-29, 2020Melbourne, VICRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44010 x A$264
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1March 27-29, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A769 → $A65910 x A$69.90
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2April 22-26, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44011 x A$240
CHEK Practitioner Level 1August 5-9, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176
CHEK Exercise CoachAugust 12-16, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176
CHEK Practitioner Level 2August 26-30, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176

2. Trigger Expansive, Exponential, or Evolutionary Bonus Packages!

Enroll in 1 ATP and Receive the Expansive Growth Package

Enroll in 2 ATPs and Receive the Exponential Growth Package

Enroll in 3 ATPs and Receive the Evolutionary Growth Package

Evolve 2019Expansive Growth PackageExponential Growth PackageEvolutionary Growth Package
Payment Options
Pay in Full with Double Early Bird Discount✓✓✓
Extended Payment Plans with Early Bird Discount✓✓✓
Advanced Training Programs Enrolled In123
ATP SavingsUp to $500 / ÂŖ500 / A$400Up to $900 / ÂŖ800 / A$800Up to $1200 / ÂŖ900 / A$1100
Bonus Training
Free E-Learning Courses of Choice234
Free CHEK Master Class of Choice123
NEW! Walking Tall E-Learning CourseX✓✓
NEW! Holistic Health & Performance for Women E-Learning Correspondence CourseXX✓
Total Bonus ValueUp to $700 / ÂŖ650 / A$800Up to $1200 / ÂŖ1050 / A$1450Up to $2000 / ÂŖ1700 / A$2200
Total Package SavingsUp to $1200 / ÂŖ1150 / A$1200Up to $2100 / ÂŖ1850 / A$2250Up to $3200 / ÂŖ2600 / A$3300

3. Choose Your Bonus E-Learning Courses & Master Classes

Once you’ve enrolled in your Advanced Training Program(s) and qualified for your bonus package, it’s time to choose the e-learning correspondence courses and CHEK Master Classes included in your package!

We have over 15 correspondence courses to choose from on a huge variety of topics, from Scientific Core Conditioning to Healing Fungal & Parasite Infections.

You can even choose CHEK 4 Quadrant Coaching Mastery or Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 online (these count as 2 selections).

Our CHEK Master classes include:

  • CHEK Business Success with Gavin Jennings, CEO, CHEK Institute

  • Nutrition for the CHEK Professional with Angie CHEK, CHEK Faculty Member

  • Living in 4D with Paul Chek, Founder, CHEK Institute

The Expansive Growth Package Includes Walking Tall a brand new correspondence course featuring CHEK Director of Education Matt Wallden.

And we are excited to announce that recipients of the Evolutionary Growth Package will also receive first access to our new e-learning correspondence course Holistic Health and Performance for Women featuring Sara Gustafson.

What’s the best way to take advantage of these specials?

  1. Check out our current 2019 Advanced Training Programs NOW and decide which programs you want to take.

  2. Look through our E-Learning Library NOW and decide on which e-learning bonus courses you want to take.

  3. Preregister for your ATPs on April 26th! We anticipate courses will fill up fast, so don’t miss out. Watch your email inbox on the 26th for preregistration instructions.

  4. When you pre-register for your ATPs, you’ll receive a personalized ATP registration link by email immediately when our Evolve Registration Event begins. All you’ll need to do is open your email, click on your personal link, complete your ATP registration, and select your bonus courses.

What’s next in your evolution?

Is it time to leave that old career behind and start down a more fulfilling path?
Ready to ditch the big box gym and start your own practice?
Want to skill up and specialize your services for training athletes, injury rehabilitation or helping clients with chronic disease?

This May 3rd get the training you need to Evolve!

Enroll in at least one of our Advanced Training Programs and receive huge discounts. PLUS registering for Advanced Training Programs triggers special bonus packages!

Here’s how it works.

Scroll on for the full details.

1. Enroll in your Advanced Training Program(s) of Choice

Click the box below for your region to see our ATP schedule.
CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Exercise Coach
4 Spaces Left!
August 7-11, 2019Toronto, ON
Register Now
2.55$2,497 → $2,1973 x $782.33
CHEK Practitioner Level 4September 25 - October 6, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.3$5,185 → $4,6854 x $1221.25
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2October 16-20, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.35$2,597 → $2,2975 x $489.40
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1October 25-27, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.4$747 → $6475 x $139.40
CHEK Practitioner Level 1
5 Spaces Left!
Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.45$2,497 → $2,1975 x $499.40
CHEK Exercise CoachNovember 20-24, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.55$2,497 → $2,1976 x $391.17
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3December 3-8, 2019San Diego, CA
Register Now
3.6$3,297 → $2,8977 x $442.43
CHEK Exercise CoachFebruary 19-23, 2020San Diego, CA$2,497 → $2,1979 x $260.78
CHEK Exercise CoachMarch 4-8, 2020Toronto, ON$2,497 → $2,19710 x $234.70
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2April 22-26, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29711 x $222.45
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1April 24-26, 2020Toronto, ON$747 → $64711 x $58.82
CHEK Exercise CoachMay 13-17, 2020New York, NY$2,497 → $2,19712 x $195.58
CHEK Practitioner Level 2June 10-14, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29713 x $188.23
CHEK Practitioner Level 1July 22-26, 2020Toronto, ON$2,497 → $2,19714 x $167.64
CHEK Exercise CoachAugust 19-23, 2020Austin, TX$2,497 → $2,19715 x $156.47
CHEK Practitioner Level 2September 12-16, 2020San Diego, CA$2,597 → $2,29716 x $152.94
CHEK Practitioner Level 3October 7-15, 2020San Diego, CA$4,147 → $3,74717 x $232.18
CHEK Exercise CoachNovember 11-15, 2020San Diego, CA$2,497 → $2,19718 x $130.39
Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3December 1-6, 2020San Diego, CA$3,297 → $2,89719 x $163
CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Practitioner Level 228 August - 1 Sepember, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.5 ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,6753 x ÂŖ598.33
CHEK Practitioner Level 311-19 September, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.6 ÂŖ2,880 ÂŖ2,3804 x ÂŖ657.50
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 125-27 October, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.7 ÂŖ800 ÂŖ7005 x ÂŖ150
CHEK Exercise Coach6-10 November, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.8 ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,6456 x ÂŖ299.17
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 213-17 November, 2019Lancashire, UK
Register Now
9.9 ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,6756 x ÂŖ304.17
CHEK Exercise Coach26 February - March 1, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,6459 x ÂŖ199.44
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 225-29 March, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67510 x ÂŖ182.50
CHEK Exercise Coach13-17 May, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,64512 x ÂŖ149.58
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 110-12 July, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ800 ÂŖ70014 x ÂŖ53.57
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 315-20 July, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ2,370 ÂŖ2,07014 x ÂŖ158.70
CHEK Practitioner Level 122-26 July, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67514 x ÂŖ130.36
CHEK Exercise Coach5-9 August, 2020London, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,945 ÂŖ1,64515 x ÂŖ119.67
CHEK Practitioner Level 212-16 August, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ1,975 ÂŖ1,67515 x ÂŖ121.67
CHEK Practitioner Level 32-10 December, 2020Lancashire, UKRegistration opening soon! ÂŖ2,880 ÂŖ2,38019 x ÂŖ138.42
CourseDateLocationEvolve 2019 Pay-In-Full PriceEvolve 2019 Payment Plans
CHEK Exercise Coach20-24 November, 2019Sydney, NSW
Register Now
6.5$A2,840 → $A2,4406 x A$440
CHEK Exercise CoachMarch 25-29, 2020Melbourne, VICRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44010 x A$264
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1March 27-29, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A769 → $A65910 x A$69.90
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2April 22-26, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44011 x A$240
CHEK Practitioner Level 1August 5-9, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176
CHEK Exercise CoachAugust 12-16, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176
CHEK Practitioner Level 2August 26-30, 2020Sydney, NSWRegistration opening soon!$A2,840 → $A2,44015 x A$176

2. Trigger the Expansive Growth, Exponential Growth, or Evolutionary Growth Bonus Packages!

Enroll in 1 ATP and Receive the
Expansive Growth Package
Evolve 2019Expansive Growth Package
Payment Options
Pay in Full with Double Early Bird Discount✓
Extended Payment Plans with Early Bird Discount✓
Advanced Training Programs Enrolled In1
ATP SavingsUp to $500 / ÂŖ500 / A$400
Bonus Training
Free E-Learning Courses of Choice2
Free CHEK Master Class of Choice1
NEW! Walking Tall E-Learning CourseX
NEW! Holistic Health & Performance for Women E-Learning Correspondence CourseX
Total Bonus ValueUp to $700 / ÂŖ650 / A$800
Total Package SavingsUp to $1200 / ÂŖ1150 / A$1200
Enroll in 2 ATPs and Receive the
Exponential Growth Package
Evolve 2019Exponential Growth Package
Payment Options
Pay in Full with Double Early Bird Discount✓
Extended Payment Plans with Early Bird Discount✓
Advanced Training Programs Enrolled In2
ATP SavingsUp to $900 / ÂŖ800 / A$800
Bonus Training
Free E-Learning Courses of Choice3
Free CHEK Master Class of Choice2
NEW! Walking Tall E-Learning Course ✓
NEW! Holistic Health & Performance for Women E-Learning Correspondence CourseX
Total Bonus ValueUp to $1200 / ÂŖ1050 / A$1450
Total Package SavingsUp to $2100 / ÂŖ1850 / A$2250
Enroll in 3+ ATPs and Receive the
Evolutionary Growth Package
Evolve 2019Evolutionary Growth Package
Payment Options
Pay in Full with Double Early Bird Discount✓
Extended Payment Plans with Early Bird Discount✓
Advanced Training Programs Enrolled In3
ATP SavingsUp to $1200 / ÂŖ900 / A$1100
Bonus Training
Free E-Learning Courses of Choice4
Free CHEK Master Class of Choice3
NEW! Walking Tall E-Learning Course✓
NEW! Holistic Health & Performance for Women E-Learning Correspondence Course✓
Total Bonus ValueUp to $2000 / ÂŖ1700 / A$2200
Total Package SavingsUp to $3200 / ÂŖ2600 / A$3300

3. Choose Your Bonus E-Learning & Minicourses

Once you’ve enrolled in your Advanced Training Program(s) and qualified for your bonus package, it’s time to choose your e-learning correspondence courses and the CHEK Master Classes included in your package!

We have over 15 correspondence courses to choose from on a huge variety of topics, from Scientific Core Conditioning to Healing Fungal & Parasite Infections.
You can even choose CHEK 4 Quadrant Coaching Mastery or Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 online (these count as 2 selections).
Our CHEK Master classes include:
  • CHEK Business Success with Gavin Jennings, CEO, CHEK Institute
  • Nutrition for the CHEK Professional with Angie CHEK, CHEK Faculty Member
  • Living in 4D with Paul Chek, Founder, CHEK Institute
The Expansive Growth Package includes Walking Tall a brand new correspondence course featuring CHEK Director of Education Matt Wallden.
And we are excited to announce that recipients of the Evolutionary Growth Package will also receive first access to our new e-learning correspondence course Holistic Health and Performance for Women featuring Sara Gustafson.

What’s the best way to take advantage of these specials?

  1. Check out our current 2019 Advanced Training Programs NOW and decide which programs you want to take.
  2. Look through our E-Learning Library NOW and decide on which e-learning bonus courses you want to take.
  3. Preregister for your ATPs on April 26th! We anticipate our Training Programs will sell out fast, so don’t miss out. Watch your email inbox on the 26th for preregistration instructions.
  4. When you pre-register for your ATPs, you’ll receive a personalized ATP registration link by email immediately when Evolve Registration Event begins. All you’ll need to do is open your email, click on your personal link, complete your ATP registration, and select your bonus courses.

Get ready to skill up!