Stretching is an integral part of any exercise program, yet there is tremendous inconsistency and uncertainty as to how to stretch for optimal results. In this course, Paul Chek shares both the art and the science of the approach he has developed for flexibility training, based on 30+ years of clinical experience conditioning world-class athletes and rehabilitating orthopedic injuries.
You will learn when and how to use different stretching techniques for the most common problems that cause tight muscles, plus hands-on practice with specific stretches you can use when rehabilitation and/or conditioning are the goals.
We will discuss the how the progression of developmental stages as an infant can have a direct impact on the length/tension patterns in the child, adolescent and adult body. Weâll explore the relationship between fascia and water and also how your biochemistry directly influences length/tension relationships
Paul will also share the seldom-appreciated relationships between muscle tone, organ health, psychological health and the chakra system. This is a critical, yet seldom considered aspect of flexibility that must be included in client and athlete assessments if flexibility goals are to be reached and balance brought to the body. Youâll learn Paulâs 1-2-3-4 approach to stretching and the relationships between body restriction and mental-emotional states.
Youâll come away from this course with not only an excellent compendium of stretching assessments and techniques, but also a wealth of knowledge on how to read the body of your clients, patients and athletes. You will understand why stretching is FAR more than creating optimal length-tension relationships in the joints and muscles. In fact, stretching, when performed correctly, has a powerful effect on the entire body-mind.
11 lessons
Quiz after
each lesson
PDF manual
Downloadable stretch overview PDF
Certificate of
How to complete this course
Click the appropriate lesson name below to get started. Once you complete a lesson there will be a short quiz to take. You need to score 80% or better on each quiz in order to more onto the next lesson. Some questions may have more than one correct answer, so mark all correct answers. Some questions require you to fill in the blank.
Mark each lesson as finished by clicking the âMark as Completeâ button. Once youâve done so, you will be directed to the next lesson.
It is highly recommended that you practice all the exercises, assessments and stretches demonstrated before you attempt to take the quizzes in these lessons.
After you have completed all eleven lessons and eleven quizzes, you will have completed the course. A green check mark will indicate where you left off in completing the course.
Once you have completed all lessons and passed all the quizzes, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Total estimated time for completion – 8 hours + quizzes
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course students will be able to:
1. Explain the theory of stretching.
2. Explain what stretching offers us for achieving health and well-being; the 1-2-3-4 of stretching.
3. Perform practical stretch assessment protocols and assessment forms for 20 stretches.
4. Demonstrate 20 Stretching methods to address common length/tension dysfunction in human beings.
5. Explain why pressure release is an excellent means of improving mobility and flow in the body.
6. Explain and demonstrate neuromuscular mobilization techniques.
7. Explain the influences of developmental, emotional, mental, nutritional and other energetic influences that alter length/tension relationships and ideas for further growth and development in the mastery of Scientific Stretching.
8. Explain the mental-emotional relationships to body restriction.
9. Explain the fascia~water relationship.