When you hear the word, vitamins, what does it mean to you? Is it a pill/pills you take from one (or several) nondescript bottles you buy from the nearest grocery store to address a deficiency?

If you don’t get anything more out of this latest video than an understanding that there’s no such thing as an isolated vitamin in nature, I’ll feel happy about this latest part of my series on organics.

Isolated vitamins are nothing more than man-made constructs of things that have been identified, cut out and put out by companies trying to make money at the expense of your health.

I call this section the vitamin complex because, as Dr. Royal Lee has said, vitamins exist alongside sugars, carbs, fats, enzymes, proteins, nutrient co-factors, minerals and trace minerals in nature and work together to provide health benefits.

For example, all of those variables I listed can be found in something as simple as an orange, if it’s organically grown which is why good, healthy soil and a thriving rhizosphere are so important.

For more information on vitamins and their relation to whole foods, I highly recommend reading The Real Truth About Vitamins and Anti-Oxidants and Good Foods/Bad Foods, two excellent books written by Judith DeCava.

Love and chi,

