Most people understand how the psyche affects the nervous system, but really don’t appreciate how it affects their breathing.

In part two of my series on the challenges of mouth breathing (find part 1 here), I explain the common psychological causes behind it in much more detail.

  1. Fear-based thinking.
  2. Cultural conditioning from religious practices, parental and social influences and various forms of media.
  3. Low self-esteem.
  4. Our educational system that separates our heads from our bodies.
  5. The lack of a dream worth living for.
  6. Biochemical imbalances caused by our toxic environment and the foods we ate and water we drink (more about this in part 4).

I also talk about the divisions between the left and right brains and how this affects the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and your ability to breathe.

Love and chi,

