Register For Our Advanced Training Programs and Secure One of The Few Spots Available at The Special Black Friday Price!

Up to $600 in discount per ATP if you pay in full, or $250 if you choose the payment plan – no admin fees
Free eLearning Courses and Workshops

This is a unique chance to:

Join the top 1% of health coaches

Stop doing unfulfilling work

Build a practice that brings meaning to your life every day

Attract clients that want – and will gladly pay for – your help

Find freedom in making your own schedule

Be your authentic self in every part of your life

Get Started Now By Choosing your Advanced Training Below

2021 NA Schedule

2021 EU Schedule

2021 SP Schedule

What You’ll Get When You Register Today

Black Friday Special Part 1: ATP Discounts

  1. Pay in full and receive a double early-bird discount, saving up to $600 (USD) per ATP
  2. Choose an extended payment plan and receive our early bird discount


Black Friday Special Part 2: Free learning Course

    1. Enroll in HLC 1 Live and receive 1 Free Elearning course
    2. Enroll in 1 non-HLC 1 ATP and receive 2 Free Elearning courses
    3. Enroll in 2 ATPs and receive up to 4 Free Elearning courses (HLC 1 grants 1 Free Elearning course)
    4. Enroll in 3 ATPs and receive up to 5 Free Elearning courses (HLC 1 grants 1 Free Elearning course)


Black Friday Special Part 3: Online Workshops

    1. Enroll in IMS 1, receive IMS 1 Prerequisite Workshop
    2. Enroll in IMS 2, receive IMS 1 Review Workshop
    3. Enroll in IMS 3, receive IMS 2 Review Workshop
    4. Enroll in HLC 2, receive HLC 1 Review Workshop


Note: *The bonus online workshops are NOT dependent upon the # of ATPs you enroll in.

Bonus: If you enroll in an ATP,  you will be able to discount the cost of the ATP from your Academy Fees should you join in the future.

Learn More About Our ATPs

Integrated Movement Science

Integrated Movement Science is, at its heart, Paul Chek’s holistic approach to functional fitness. 

At each level of this course line, students learn functional anatomy as well as how to assess, design programs for, and coach their clients to success with increasing depth and complexity. 

You’ll begin by taking a deep dive into static posture – since all movement emanates from posture. As you progress through the courses, you’ll learn more about dynamic posture, spinal pathologies, the CHEK Totem (a powerful tool to guide your understanding of the human body-mind) and so much more.

To learn more about IMS, CLICK HERE

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

The three levels of HLC are based on the techniques that have helped thousands of people increase vitality, decrease stress, and sculpt the body of their dreams.

Each course level looks in increasing detail at the underlying causes of disease and stress, considering the body as a “system of systems.” Using Paul Chek’s coaching model, you will learn how most diseases and stresses are preventable through healthy eating habits, lifestyle management, and appropriate types of exercise.

You will be taught to use powerful tools, including in-depth questionnaires to assess your clients and their readiness for change. You’ll also learn Paul Chek’s system to coach clients to make the changes necessary to reach their health and performance goals.

To learn more about HLC, CLICK HERE

Build The Career You’ve Been Dreaming Of

Our CHEK-trained practitioners go on to work with top athletes, business owners, Fortune 500 corporate wellness divisions, and the best clinics in the health & fitness industry. 

Most of them make over $75 per hour. Our most advanced students charge $350 or more and their clients gladly pay for their time. 

They command those rates because they know what they’re doing. They bring value and they help people heal themselves.  

You have the same opportunity – an opportunity to truly help people and to create financial freedom for yourself at the same time.

We don’t offer a “magic bullet” to our clients. Instead, we’re offering in-depth knowledge, tools, systems, and support.

And we do that at the highest level possible. When you have that kind of skill, add in passion and drive, anything is possible.

Working with however much you want, for whoever much you want, when you wantâ€Ļ might sound far-fetched, but it’s actually a reality for a lot of our students.

We’ve witnessed it happen time and time again. 

So if you are ready to shape your career according to your values and dreams, now is the time to sign up for a CHEK Advanced Training Program.

Get Started Now By Choosing your Advanced Training